Jigsaw Puzzle Piece crafts – Greetings Cards

Chaos writes:
KidsChaosJigsawPuzzleFrankensteinSo – the challenge to MAKE something with spare jigsaw puzzle pieces… And I think we’ve cracked it with these greetings cards. The shape of the puzzle piece with the ‘sticky out bits’ inspired us to think of Frankenstein’s monster, with the bolts in his neck, so we drew his body attached his head, with some googly eyes and requisite ‘scars’ and away you go! Ideal for a Father’s Day card, or a MONSTER Birthday card .
KidsChaosJigsawPuzzleAnniversaryCardA second idea is a nod to the two parts of the puzzle making ONE, so it’s great for an anniversary, or wedding card. And equally adding a third piece for a new baby card!
And I’ve created FREE printables here for you:

Printable-KidsChaos-Jigsaw-Valentines-DayVALENTINE’S DAY CARD

Printable-www_KidsChaos-Jigsaw-cards-FathersDayKidsChaosJigsawPuzzleG+A few crafty types came together on Google+ to discuss our jigsaw puzzle craft idea – watch it here. You’ll also be able to see our host Maggy Woodley’s Coasters, Fridge magnets, trees, snowflakes and trees; Crystal’s Brooches, Kelly’s bird puppets, Lizzie’s Family photo keyrings, Anthea’s puzzle resin crafts. If you’d like to see MORE ideas for Father’s Day click here. And more MONSTER crafts here.

Are you on Google+ Follow me here, and say hello, and I’ll add you back to my circles.

Oh, and I’m on twitter.com/MoreKidsChaos too… Erm, and funnily enough on Facebook and Pinterest! Pop over to say hello x Like it? Pin it!

19 Comments to “Jigsaw Puzzle Piece crafts – Greetings Cards”

    1. chaos Author

      thanks Annie, oh, I know all about the hoarding of BITS, and they do come in handy once in a while!! xx

  1. What a fabulous idea – we have loads of odd pieces of puzzle (what family doesn’t?!) and I really do think even with my non artistic skills I could give these a go. Thank you. Found your blog on Love All Blogs!

    1. Ali Clifford Author

      thank you Rosie, that’s kind of you to take the time to comment, and yes, pretty easy to have a go at! x


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