crafts, create, easter, key stage 2

Pom pom Bunny
Pompom bunny

Pom pom Bunny has been very popular, we’ve made LOADS of them, and they are pretty easy to make (particularly if you have a pom pom maker!)

This is a really good Spring or Easter Craft, fairly straightforward, and much coveted amongst the kids’ friends. And very simple instructions to make the pom pom bunny.

You will need:

– Two yarn pom poms, one large for the body, one smaller for the head.
– Googly eyes
– Pink Hama bead/Perla bead or similar, a small pink or red button will do.
– Contrasting fabric for the ears.

Make the two pom poms, either in the traditional cardboard doughnuts, or using a fork, or a pom pom maker. We used a hot glue gun to adhere the two pom poms together. You could stitch them together too…

Glue the eyes and attach the ‘whiskers’ and little pink nose with a strong glue.

pompom bunny ears

Using pinking shears, cut the bunny ear shapes, and scrunching them to create creases at the bottom, secure them together with a piece of wool (the same wool as the pom poms so that when you tie them to the bunny’s neck, you won’t see the join).

I think this really makes the pom pom bunny quite unique, and it’s a great way to upcycle old bits of fabric – in fact you may recognise this blue fabric from the leaping rabbits denim pocket purse we made recently too – click here to check that out, you won’t be able to resist having a go at that!.

pom pom maker

If you would like to WIN a two pack Pom pom maker from Clover (35mm and 45mm) at Hobbycraft, pop over to our facebook page – LIKE our page, and tell us what you would like to make with this fabulous, easy to use pom-pom maker. (this giveaway has now closed, April 3 2014)

Ali also blogs over on and is a new lover of Instagram too… pop over and say hello!

crafts, create, google+ hangouts

T Shirt Yarn Pom Pom

T Shirt Yarn Pom-Pom

We’ve all of us got an old T-shirt lying about don’t we? I had a very favourite, Breton Stripe T which had sadly come to the end of its life, and was just to scruffy to go to the charity shop, so we decided to DO something with it, and as we’ve gone a little pom-pom crazy this month, thought we’d have a go at the old classic – a T Shirt Yarn Pom Pom!

So, you could use a big pom-pom maker, or, like us, grab a couple of ‘donuts’ of cardboard, and have a go…

Step 1 – using a mug as a template, we cut two circular donuts, and lay them on top of each other.

Step 2 – cut your T-shirt into long strips to make ‘yarn’ and lay one piece of this yarn between the two donuts.

Step 3 – Wrap the T-shirt yarn around and around the donuts, and tie off the centre strip of yarn in a knot.

Step 4 – Push your scissors between the two donuts and snip around the circle as you would a regular pom-pom!

T Shirt Yarn Pom-Pom

We love how this one turned out and will be collecting our old T-shirts to have a go and MORE T Shirt Yarn Pom-Poms soon!

If you liked this post you might like to click here for FULL HOW TO instructions on making paper pom-poms

If you have a thing for giant paper pompoms, click here to see our crepe paper version, with raindrops!

Ali also blogs over on and is a lover of Instagram too… pop over and say hello!


Halloween Witch Paper Pom-Pom FREE printableWitch-Halloween-Pompom-Kids-Chaos

We got a bit carried away with Halloween preparations this year, and 11yo wanted to have a go at making some scary spooky Witches – So he drew these scary eyes, crooked nose, and toothy grin for the witch’s face and we stuck the on to the paper pom-pom – how cool is this! The Witch’s hat is pretty easy to make to, follow our simple instructions here….
halloween witch face templateReally easy witch’s face – have a go by clicking here for our FREE downloadable template just print off, and cut out the shapes, in fact, print two, and use one as a template for your pumpkin this year too!!

step-1-4-make-a-paper-pom-pomclick here for FULL HOW TO instructions on making the paper pom-poms

12 simple steps – really easy to follow, our kids have been making them in ALL sorts of colours – we’ve even mixed up different shades of green here…
If you fancy having a go yourself click here, note – save the trimmings from step 4, we used them for the Witch’s hair!!
Alternatively you can purchase them here at Delights in packs of three!

Free printable halloween witch’s face, just attach to giant paper pom-pom or use as a template to carve your pumpkin!

If you have a thing for giant paper pompoms, click here to see our crepe paper version, with raindrops! and here for a Pumpkin Free printable template.

Ali also blogs over on and is a lover of Instagram too… pop over and say hello!

crafts, create, halloween

HOW TO make paper pom-pomspaper pom-pom clouds

We posted a link to one of our most popular instagram pictures a few month’s ago – these crepe paper pom-pom clouds, with button raindrops which had everybody gasping with delight – and didn’t get around to actually posting a full how to, so here we go… (you can see why it took so long to post a ‘how to’ – LOTS of photos!)


1, 2) Concertina fold 8-10 sheets of tissue paper
3) Tie a length of string to the centre of the folded paper
4, 5) Trim the two ends of the folded concertina paper in a curve (keep the off-cuts, you never know when you might need them!)

step-5-8-make-a-paper-pom-pom6) Fan the pom-pom out flat as it will go
7) Pull up one thin sheet of tissue paper at 90 degrees
8) Pull out the opposite sheet of tissue paper, at 90 degrees

9) Rotate the tissue paper pom-pom and pull out opposite sheets of the paper
10) Keep pulling and fluffing the single sheets of tissue paper to create the paper pompom.


and that’s it! – to see how you can create something quite amazing to hang in your bedroom, click here to see our crepe paper version, with raindrops!

If you fancy having a go yourself click here, alternative you can purchase them here at Delights in packs of three!

Ali also blogs over on and is a new lover of Instagram too… pop over and say hello!