Are you starting to, or have you been preparing for a new baby recently? If so, the first thing that we want to say is congratulations. That’s such exciting news, and we’re super happy for you. Now though, you want to start preparing for a new baby as much as you can to get ready for their arrival. It’s going to be tough sometimes, and you’re probably going to question whether you can do this at least 100 times over the next few months, but we promise that you can. Keep reading down below if you are interested in finding out more about what you need to know when it comes to preparing for a new baby.
Understanding Sleep Safety

First thing that we’re going to mention is that you need to understand sleep safety. Now, there are so many different views and opinions on this, but the facts are the facts. Your baby is going to be at their safest when they are swaddled in a blanket, in their own sleeping space. However, a lot of people do not agree with this, or this becomes too difficult if they have a fussy baby, so they tend to co-sleep instead.
Co-sleeping is a super controversial topic, and not one that we want to get in the middle of. You need to do whatever is best for your baby, but if you are going to co-sleep then you need to read up on how to do it in the safest possible way. Of course, they are going to be safer in their own space, but sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do. There are lots of people who co-sleep, but there have also been many problems with it in the past.
Breast VS Bottle Feed?
Another controversial topic that we want to address is breast fed or bottle fed. Every mother has the right to choose which way they decide to feed their child, and you should make that decision according to what you feel is right for you and your baby. Yes, that’s right, we said what is right for you as well. Your baby is not the only consideration that you need to make here, you are important as well and you need to take your feelings into account.
For example, if you don’t like breastfeeding, if it’s too draining, if it’s hurting you too much, or if you generally just do not like it, you do not have to do it. Yes, there will always be those people out there who say that breast is best, but this is mainly the colostrum in the beginning. You don’t have to do anything that you’re not comfortable with. Fed is best. Always.
Typical Gifts You Will Receive
There are some gifts that you are more likely to receive than others, and you need to know this so that you know what to buy and what to expect from others. Of course, you should never expect anything from others without a reason to. If someone has said they’re going to get you a gift or if you know them to be that type of person then sure, but try not to rely on anyone else if they have not voiced their intentions.
Your friends and family may go online and type in newborn boy gifts or girl gifts depending on the gender of your baby. They will then use whatever comes up to help them decide on a gift which most of the time are cute little outfits, blankets and things like this. If there is something specific that you would like though and you have someone who asks you what you want for the baby, it’s okay to ask for things. Of course, as long as they are not outrageously expensive 🙂
You Do Not Need Everything
One of the things that we feel you need to know is that you do not need every baby item and product that you see. We promise you that. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you might need this, that, and the other, but more often than not, you don’t.
You don’t need 500 muslins, five or six will do (although you will be washing them a LOT!). You don’t need 500 blankets, a couple will do. You do need quite a few outfits because they tend to have a leaky nappy or sick up their milk, quite a bit in the beginning, especially if they have reflux issues.
You also do not need mountains of toys for a new baby. Yes, getting a baby swing, a baby mat, or a baby chair is a great idea as it keeps them entertained when you need to do something, but you definitely don’t need all three until they get a little older. Most of the time, you won’t use half of the things you purchase, so try not to go too crazy.
You Will Never Be Fully Prepared
The final piece of advice, and potentially the most important piece of advice that we are going to give you is that you can never be fully prepared. This doesn’t mean that you should not try, and it doesn’t mean that it’s pointless to do so. You can get as prepared as possible, and it will definitely help you in the long run, but you will never be fully prepared as it’s impossible. Your life will change a lot, and you will never be able to fully comprehend that until you experience it for yourself. We don’t say this to scare you, just so you understand the reality of the situation.
We hope that you have found this post helpful, and now have a more firm understanding of some of the things that you need to know about preparing for a new baby. It’s a long journey, but it’s one of the most rewarding things that you will ever experience in your life. You’ve got this, even when it seems impossible, even when it seems like you can’t do it anymore. We promise, you can.
This is a collaborative post.