During the school year, weekends tend to be reserved for catching up on the laundry, running errands, and hosting family. You may also find that you spend your weekends trying to put your feet up a little bit as well. With that said, you do need to make sure that you don’t leave your kids out. You need to teach them the importance of being able to relax too, because if you don’t then you may find that their school performance suffers.

Encourage them to Go Outside
One thing you need to do to try and help your kids is to encourage them to go outside. You need to encourage outdoor play because it’s vital to your children’s wellbeing. You may also find that it is a good way for you to help them to engage more in school.
Kids do need fresh air, sunshine, and time outdoors, as it is a natural way for them to de-stress. You may also find that it is good for their mental and emotional health too. Whether it is playing on the swings, on a skateboard, or drawing on the pavement with a pack of chalk, you may find that your kids thrive when they can spend more time outside.
Listen to Them
A good way for you to encourage your kids to relax is to simply listen to them. Hear them out when they are talking about school, and friendships, or ask them how they are doing. It’s also important for you to take time out to listen to them talk about their hobbies. If you have an older child who’s in college, and they love console games like Call of Duty. Then enquire about what they are doing, and how they are levelling up their character. You could also perhaps set them up with a Call of Duty account, as this is a good way for them to level up (at your expense and within your control) without having to worry about all the hours they need to spend working towards milestones instead of doing their college work. Little things like this can help them to get the best result out of their gaming experience, and you would be surprised at how much it could help them to feel more connected to you.
Have a Meal Together
It’s also a good idea for you to try and have a meal together. The great thing about sitting down with your child and having a meal with them is that it helps to show them the importance of family time, and it also helps them to feel more at ease. If you want to help your child even more, then one thing you can do is take note of the food that they love and then try and plan your meals around this.
This will give them a boost, and it will also help them to feel like you are listening to them more, and that you care about them. Little things like this can make a major difference to their well-being if they have had a challenging week at work, so keep that in mind.
This is a collaborative post: It’s important to note that Call of Duty games are typically rated for mature audiences due to their content. The franchise began in 2003 with a World War II setting, and has since evolved to cover various historical and modern warfare scenarios. Parents and guardians should consider the game’s rating and content before allowing younger players to access it.