book reviews

This is Rocket Science – Science Sparks Book review

This is Rocket Science – Science Sparks Book review

We have known Emma Vanstone for a LONG time now, and have been massive fans of her website and social media @sciencesparks  – so when we spotted that Emma had recently published a new book – we couldn’t wait to get our hands on it!

Science Sparks Book reviewFrom the cover design to the spreads, this book is so visually appealing –  This is Rocket Science: An Activity Guide is jam-packed with fun experiments for children and adults each designed to show how mechanical science and astrophysics work from the inside out and really does so without you KNOWING that you are ‘learning’ which always puts my kids off these sorts of books.

The book encourages the reader to use upcycle found materials like bottles, cardboard, glue and tape to build awesome rocket ships, paper spinners and mobile rocket launch pads.

We love the photography and mix of genders in the book – so important to bridge the gender gap, as it is so crucial that we get more women into science.

Watch our full review over on IGTV here or below – and purchase your own copy of the book HERE in time for Christmas!

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book reviews, crafts, education, key stage 2, kids

We do love our Button Crafts at KidsChaos, and as 9yo is obsessed with a new book by Steve Cole – Secret Agent Mummy, and is currently using an old key as a bookmark… Don’t ask, he likes keys ok?!

button craft bookmark

So we made him this lovely giant paperclip to use as a bookmark, he’ll be so pleased to see it with his favourite book! It will make the book seem even MORE special!

They are made in the same way as the flowers here, and we added a bit of green felt for the leaves – nice eh?!

We are going to buy a LOAD of these giant paperclips and make some of these paperclip bookmarks for the school fair, I think they would be very popular!Button craft paperclip book mark
Ali also blogs over on and is a new lover of Instagram too… pop over and say hello! And if you liked this Craft – do vote for Kids Chaos, as we’ve been shortlisted in the Britmums Brilliance in Blogging Awards – whoohey!


book reviews, education

Dinosaur Book

You’d think that once the boys get to 9 and 10 they’d be so ‘OVER’ Dinosaurs right? Well, wrong, I was massively surprised at the love this new book has received from them, they’ve literally been PORING over this fabulous encyclopedia, and really – I can see why.

Uncover the prehistoric world – even I’ve read it! I’ve just been to look for it to take a photo for you of the spreads, and found it under 10yo’s pillow – much coveted and hidden from his little brother.

Chapters include: Attack and Defence, Armour and Crests and The Mystery of Extinction – and although suggested suitable for children over 8, our young neighbours next door, age 3 and 6, loved looking at the pictures too (I’m sure this one will take longer to be handed down to them…)

If you’d like to know more about Parragon’s books (including the Beano Annual!) they too are on the old social media, @parragonbooks on twitter and pinterest and of course, on facebook too 🙂

Oh, by the way, I’m also on too… Erm, and funnily enough on Google+Facebook and Pinterest! Pop over to say hello x 

Ali also writes over on

book reviews, competitions

Had to share this one with you, following our little prize draw to win a signed copy of Laura Dockrill’s Darcy Burdock, we were delighted that the winner had such an amazing name – Tiffany-Lee Rainbow, and even more delighted to receive this fab photo on the left, which we flipped/mirrored so that you can see what Laura wrote in Tiffany-Lee’s book!


@TLrainbow Tiffany-lee wrote:
Thank You @MoreKidsChaos & @LauraDockrill you are welcome to use my name as a character in your nextbook #justanidea
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Oh, and I’m on too… Erm, and funnily enough on Facebookand Pinterest! Pop over to say hello x Like it? Pin it!
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book reviews, competitions, education, kids, Uncategorized

Chaos writes:

All this talk of Roald Dahl has got 8yo all of a twitter… (find it hard to use that word in this context, but bear with me!)


This is his collection of Roald Dahl books (Laura Dockrill’s favourite writer, and the cause of this desire to take this photo on the ‘big camera’ to tweet to Laura – bless).

His ultimate favourite is the Giraffe and the Pelly and Me, which was no.1 on the bedtime reading list before Daddy took over that job, reading Harry Potter to them every night, over the phone on loud-speaker (that’s another story altogether).

The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me I think was first choice, because, (A) it was a LONG book to read at bedtime, so they get to stay up later, and (B) the language is so beautiful, (how many little boys do you know who call the loo the ‘Lavatory Pan’? thank you Roald).

The story is fabulous, and even without the Quentin Blake illustrations, and your eyes shut, your imagination marvels at the wonder of Billy’s sweet shop, the incredibly TALL house, a giraffe with an extending neck, a pelican with an over-sized beak, a dancing monkey, and the quite bonkers, His Grace the Duke of Hampshire.

Oh, and there is some ‘gun action’ always goes down well with little boys I find!

We did venture several years ago, when they were much younger, to the Little Angel Theatre and this wonderful puppet performance delighted and engaged both boys, because they knew the story so well.

So, thank you Laura Dockrill, for dragging small children back to their childhood with your fab book Darcy Burdock, and talk of Roald Dahl again… 8yo is currently reading George’s Marvellous Medicine aloud to me, and polishing off Matilda when he’s meant to have his LIGHTS OUT!

Are you on Google+ Follow me here, and say hello, and I’ll add you back to my circles.

Oh, and I’m on too… Erm, and funnily enough on Facebook and Pinterest! Pop over to say hello x